Travel Insurance: When Should You Buy It?

When Should You Buy Travel Insurance?

When booking a trip, probably the two biggest questions you ask yourself are as follows: “how you are going to get there?” and “wherTravel Insurancee you are going to stay?” However, buying travel insurance and when you should get it is another question worth asking. In most cases, the easy answer to when is “right away.” However, depending on the type of coverage you are looking for and your travel style, you can get travel insurance up until the last minute of your flight.

Buying Within 15 Days of Making Your First Travel Deposit

Getting travel insurance within the 15-day window of making your first travel deposit may seem arbitrary but there is a good reason why it is a smart move:

Bonus Coverage!

Some travel insurance companies urge you to get insurance right away before you completely forget it. To do that, they offer bonus coverage if you get travel insurance within this 15-day window to entice clients.

Depending on your plan, you may qualify for bonus coverage like these at no additional costs:

What If You Missed Buying travel Insurance within The 15-Day Window?

Unlike other aspects of traveling such as hotel room rates and airfares, the price for travel insurance does not increase the closer it gets to your travel date. There is no financial penalty if you forget or wait it out to buy travel insurance, well, except for the bonus coverage.

So, what are the best times to get travel insurance other than the 15-day window of making your trip purchase?

  1. 50 Days Before Departure

This may seem like an odd time to get travel insurance, but here’s why it also makes sense:

  1. Two Weeks Before Departure

If you are going on a trip, probably the last time that you can think rationally about your trip is 2 weeks before leaving. Now, what are the advantages of buying 2 weeks before leaving?

Regardless of your decision, 2 weeks is your best time to get travel insurance if you have not yet. Because your next and last option would be…

  1. The Day (Or a Minute) Before Departure

Time flies so fast and procrastination happens. If you did not have the chance to get travel insurance after your first deposit, 50 days or even 2 weeks before you leave, and only realize it a day before your flight or entering the plane, don’t worry, you can still buy one.

It is not an ideal time, but here are some reasons as to why it is still okay:

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