What Are The Final Expense Advantages And Disadvantages?

What Are The Final Expense Advantages And Disadvantages?

Final expense insurance is amongst the few options for pre-planning and paying off compensations for a memorial or funeral. Even though there’s so much information available on the web regarding final expense insurance, it might still seem a bit confusing and overwhelming. If you are wondering if it is a good choice for you, I breakdown the fundamentals of this insurance plan, as well as outline the final expense advantages and disadvantages so you might be able to decide if it is ideal for you.

Final Expense Advantages And Disadvantages?

What Is Final Expense Insurance?

Before we get to the final expense advantages and disadvantages, let’s discuss first what really the final expense insurance, especially for those who don’t know yet is.

Final expense insurance is actually a kind of low face value life insurance that is designed in covering the expenses of the ‘final expenses’ of a certain individual. This includes funeral products and services, legacy planning necessities, loans, and some other unsettled bills.

There are two major kinds of coverage any individual can be eligible for based on a brief health interview.

Both plans offer up to $25,000 final expense coverage. However, some companies or institutions have age restrictions, which may reduce the overall amount you may apply for. That’s why it’s important to have a thorough discussion with someone who is knowledgeable and professional in this field –just like me.

Final Expense Advantages and Disadvantages

Just like any insurance policies available, final expense insurance also has its own sets of advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages Of Final Expense


Disadvantages Of Final Expense

Final Say

Planning for death is something that most people don’t want to talk about and frequently put-off until it’s too late. It’s either because of discomfort in discussing death with family or they think the costs that come with it are way too big. Final expense insurance is one of the many ways to pay for a funeral.

In deciding whether or not you should purchase final expense insurance, you will need professional help. With over 30 years of experience in the insurance industry, I am certain, I can help you decide on what is the best final expense plan for you. Visit One Source Benefits or call me at 1-877-549-1212, and let’s talk about all your comments and questions about final expense insurance!

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