Disturbing New Trends with Medicare Advantage plans

Medicare Advantage Plans plans can be confusing, right?

Working with Medicare Insurance plans everyday  for the past 30 years, I know.

That’s why I continually stay on top of the latest information to help you understand how Medicare Insurance works and show you how to make it work for you.  In my constant research, I’ve noticed a very concerning trend with the Medicare Advantage program. I kept hearing that doctors and hospitals were no longer accepting Medicare Advantage patients and this news was very concerning to me. I often say that the decision you make when enrolling in Medicare for the first time may be your only chance to change, move, or enhance your program. So, when you do make that decision, you need to do it right and make sure you fully understand the program in which you’re enrolling.

Limitations of Medicare Advantage

Initially, I thought that doctors and hospitals no longer accepting Medicare Advantage plans were just a rumor. But, when I began to hear the same news from reputable sources, I went into heavy research mode. So, what did I find?  I found out that the rumor wasn’t a rumor at all. There are doctors and hospitals across the nation that are no longer accepting Medicare Advantage patients.That means that you could find yourself having to look for a new doctor if your current doctor decides to stop accepting the program, even if you’ve been going to them for years. Adding insult to injury, you wouldn’t be able to switch to a different insurance program until the next open enrollment period comes back around.

What Should You Do?

So, if this describes you, what do you do? Well, you could file a complaint with your state’s insurance department. You could also choose to pay cash for your doctor’s visits and/or surgeries. Or, you could see if you qualify for a Medicare supplement program. With a Medicare Insurance supplement plan, you could apply to enroll at anytime without having to wait for open enrollment. A Medicare supplement program will eliminate the issue of not having access to doctors and hospitals because the network is nationwide. You could live in Ohio, choose to see a doctor in Miami, and still be in network! If you’re already enrolled in the Medicare Advantage plan and don’t understand your benefits or are interested in a Medicare Supplement Insurance program I strongly recommend you to not just call any call center or associations.  You know who I mean… They will only talk to you about their program and you won’t receive all of the details you’ll need to make a truly informed decision.

Who To Call?

Call someone who you can trust – an independent agent who understands Medicare and has over 30 years of experience. Call me!  We can discuss your needs, your expectations, and what you can afford. From there, I will work hard to find the solution that is best for you. You can reach me toll-free at 877-549-1212. Or, you can text me at 919-349-2038. I am not a call center.  And I promise I won’t just take your information before handing you off to a junior insurance agent. You will work directly with me. I’ll be there with you and for you through this process, every step of the way .You can even schedule a free consultation by clicking here….  or better yet just call me at 1-877-549-1212 now about ALL your Medicare Insurance options!

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